Warning against bicycle fake shops on the internet!

Due to current events, we would like to warn all customers against so-called fake online shops. These shops often offer only one (customer-unfriendly) payment method, prepayment or another type of advance payment. The imprint and the contact details and information on the managing director etc. are simply copied from the original. At first glance, a fake shop is professionally designed, but after closer inspection, the following features stand out
- Products are much cheaper than on other official dealer sites
- Customers can only pay by bank transfer, prepayment and credit card
- Products that are not available at most other retailers are suddenly in stock. Fraudsters deliberately exploit delays in the delivery of bikes and individual parts to their advantage.
How do I recognise a fake shop?
- Online seals of approval such as“It-recht-Kanzlei.de“, “Safer Shopping”, “Trusted Shops” or “EHI-geprüfter Onlineshop” should be checked before buying. Fraudulent shops often simply copy the seals, so: check beforehand whether an online shop is listed on one of the provider sites. If so, you can trust the shop.
- Simply Google the name of the potential fake shop. Often other customers have already reported said website or had problems with it.
- Would the “trader” like to have the purchase sum temporarily transferred to a foreign account, although the actual company headquarters is in Germany? Do not order under any circumstances.
- Does the online shop have an imprint? Check the contact details in advance, preferably via Google Maps. But be careful. Sometimes the contact details are simply copied, including contact persons and managing directors.
- A valid contact e-mail should be available. If in doubt, this can be checked in the commercial register and the authenticity of the VAT ID given can be established.
- The abbreviation “https:” at the beginning of the address line indicates a secure connection. If this is missing, you should not use the shop. However, the abbreviation does not always mean that the shop is reputable. Fraudsters also use certificates.
- The order button should be correctly labelled. Under no circumstances should it say “register”, “order” or “continue”.
- Is there a hotline or telephone number? Stay away from toll numbers or a mailbox. If there are only contact forms and no serious contact option – do not order!
- The suffix “.de” is not always a sign of a serious shop or an indication that the shop is based in Germany. If URLs end with “de.com”, “de.ru” or similar, please stay away.
- Is the shop represented on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?
A dealer search on manufacturers’ websites provides clarity as to whether it is an official partner or not:
What do I do if I have become a victim of a fake shop?
- Take screenshots of the shop
- Notify the official dealer, possibly there is already a cease and desist action against the fake operator
- Secure e-mail correspondence with the alleged dealer
- Save invoices
- Immediately file a complaint with the police. You can do this quickly and online here. This is the only way to delete fraudulent shops from the net.
- Contact your bank or payment service provider immediately. In combination with an immediate report, the chances of getting your money back are good.

List of potential fake shops you should steer clear of
This list is for educational purposes and is not exhaustive. Fake shops are born overnight and disappear just as quickly. Many of the shops mentioned have been deactivated and some are still online.
- 2rad-klein.de
- 2rad-kern.de
- 2rad-cheap.com
- 2rad-hero.com
- 2wheel-cheap.com
- alochizshop.com
- altotunec.com
- ambiar.com
- building-material-renta.com
- behfarmd.com
- betowinmall.com
- bech-bikes.com
- bestybike.com
- bhrutush.com
- bikefamily-gmbh.com
- bike-heller.com
- bike-heaven.com
- bike-hubo.com
- bike-hager.de
- bike-hagers.de
- bike-roles.co.uk
- bines-apfelkiste.de
- brigitterieger.co.uk
- blockhouse-annerod.de
- Boguso.co.uk
- botanicaq.com
- boudevw.com
- brunos-household.com
- buero-service-dorenkamp.com
- byschulzy.com
- bike-rufo.com
- bike-radu.com
- care4patients.com
- cdomsbany.com
- Cheerfetch.com
- dbaranaw.xyz
- yourbike.net
- dgasanova.com
- dima-sport.com
- drhousei.com
- eaolopdep.com
- e-bikeexperten.de
- e-bike-pedelec24.de
- e-tomo.de
- e-rocko.de
- ecaroust.com
- e-bike-shop.com
- elektromobel.com
- elektro-schmeider.com
- elektro-stone.com
- elostacks.com
- e-pedelec24.de
- e-shop-markt.de
- e-topfitness.com
- ebike-home24.com
- europamtb.com
- fabalesx.com
- fa-richter-shop.com
- bicycle-expert.com
- Bicycle-front.com
- bicycle-world-online.com
- bicycle-store.com
- bicycle-hansen.com
- bicycle-moso.com
- bike-motorbike-lindfeld.com
- fast-bike.com
- fun-for-bikes.com
- fcomver.com
- finca-vividor.com
- fj.sjtnx.trade
- florina-garden.com
- flyfeestore.com
- frdgymonline.com
- fromjtosj.com
- Garden-paule.com
- gegendiebank.com
- glogloestore.com
- Glückimhaus.de
- gptciplaw.com
- Hagolos.com
- halmoez.com
- house-drelo.com
- himprofh.xyz
- home-elektros.com
- iamheresale.com
- itdocmall.com
- ijlsisale.com
- ingbert-unruh.com
- izhchstore.com
- jajay-s-shop.com
- johannessteffen.com
- joxworlde.com
- jzipten.com
- kaigaifxt.com
- kakaooo.com
- karlstadtertafel.com
- keishav.com
- kutakmice.com
- leopanda-elektro.com
- love.com
- lillykatze.com
- lotusmcx.com
- ltbvipg.com
- loftydiscount.com
- madvantim.com
- marti-bosom.net
- maptasale.com
- marti-bosom.com
- maxxtechnik.com
- mechanonderdelentekoop.xyz
- mehnike.com
- my-hkx.com
- meindiscount.store
- mepscol.com
- methaozp.com
- meilenkette.com
- michael-hoffmann-wuppertal.com
- milentech.com
- mralefgoods.com
- mrayhanonline.com
- Msasupply.com
- moresbya.com
- my-infoterminal.com
- nffburo.com
- ntqymconline.com
- oltibun.com
- olympis.com
- ondamce.com
- omertabike.com
- commutercorner.com
- qaldogoods.com
- qgoshopsu.com
- rad-xpert.com
- cycling.com
- radhaus-ffm.com
- radlershop.com
- ranobitsale.com
- relawady.com
- robobilz.com
- rsk-trade.com
- Ruucyonline.com
- rtxshop.com
- sahnetech.com
- sanubhab.com
- sdiasmani.com
- seabear.com
- selogerstore.com
- sek-board.com
- sfansan.com
- shojaf.com
- Shoppingcart-market.com
- sicovirstore.com
- skymorogoods.com
- smart-and-wheel.com
- sport-trade24.com
- sport-trade-weiller.com
- tagado.com
- Take-shop.er
- tdeckers.com
- techfish-electro.com
- timbalatin.com
- tookacogoods.com
- travljunkie.com
- two-wheels-offroad.com/index
- uartelatz.com
- udomorgel.com
- usellfile.com
- uwebwasap.com
- viaggio-in-italia.com
- vshoppeyz.com
- wapisale.xyz
- Wbrezende.com
- wellshopi.com
- werbung-leipzig-twey.com
- winner-market.com
- xmedizco.com
- zscparts.com
- zunmanned.com
(data without guarantee)
Please add to list:
E-rad Store/C.Kulkov
+49 152 15806810 | e-radstore
[email protected]
Zittauer Str. 201, 02827 Görlitz, Allemagne