The bicycle spring check – easy and quick to do yourself

If you have left your bike or e-bike in the basement completely neglected over the winter, you are now faced with the task of the annual spring check. It’s very simple and quick. We’ll explain it to you here.
First get the cleaning rag out

You will notice faults and damage more quickly on a clean and well-cleaned bicycle or e-bike. That’s why the check begins with cleaning. Use a hand brush (here in the South we call it a “dustpan”) to roughly remove dust and cobwebs from the wheel before wiping the entire bike clean with a damp cloth. Areas that you can’t reach properly with the rag are best cleaned with an old toothbrush.
Finally, wipe the bike dry. That’s it.
Checking the bike for road safety
In spring it is still dark early in the evening, so it is essential to have functioning lighting. So check the lights and reflectors first. So switch on the dynamo or turn on the lights via the switch and turn the wheel where the dynamo is located. Does everything light up? Wonderful. If not, it may be due to a defective dynamo, a broken cable or a burnt-out bulb. You can usually simply remove the bulb and check the filament if it is not a modern LED light. However, LED lights don’t actually break so quickly anyway.
Then you should check the reflectors. Are there still two cat’s eyes in each tyre? Modern tyres have a reflective strip all around the sidewall. This should not be dirty. If it is dirty, you have not carried out the first point properly 😉 So you go back to the cleaning rag!
Now we check the brakes. Can the brake levers be pulled easily? If not, the brake cables need a little oiling. If you have hydraulic disc brakes, i.e. brakes without brake cables, you may need to change the brake fluid if they are difficult to pull or push through. This is best done at a bicycle workshop. Also check that the brake cables do not have fringes somewhere. If this is the case, the cable must be replaced at a specialist workshop.
If the brake levers can be pushed through to the handlebars, the brakes must be tightened or the brake fluid (for hydraulic brakes) must be changed. Otherwise you will not be able to build up sufficient braking force with the levers.
Maintenance of wear parts

Check all the bolts you can find on your bicycle and tighten them with a spanner, open-ended spanner or Allen key. The bolts on the stem and handlebars are especially important. The wheels/tyres should also be tight, so also check that the quick-releases are properly tightened there, as well as the saddle.
Is there enough air in the tyres? The best thing is to have a floor pump with an integrated pressure gauge. So unscrew the valve cap and check the pressure. You will probably need to top up the pressure, as some air always escapes from the tyres. The exact pressure for your tyres is printed on the side of the tyre.
Now you should check all the spokes. They must be under tension and must not be able to move. While you are at it, it is best to check that you do not have a figure eight in the tyres.

Chain maintenance is very important. It is best to spray the chain with a chain cleaner and rub it clean with a rag. Alternatively, there are special cleaning devices with built-in brushes that can be used to clean the chain quite easily. After cleaning, it is important to lubricate the chain again. It is important here that the oil does not drip onto the rims and tyres. Do not use too much oil, less is more.
It is also a good idea to remove dirt and grease from the chainrings, rear cassette and sprockets with a screwdriver or metal pin. Tip: After oiling the chain, take the bike for a short spin and shift through all gears so that the oil can spread everywhere.
Bicycle spring check – costs at a specialist dealer
If you prefer to have your bike checked directly at a specialist dealer, that’s no problem. Many offer a spring check for bicycles or e-bikes in the spring. The costs are about 50 to 60 ? (without material and wear parts).
You can also bring your bike to us in Schwäbisch Hall for a spring check
We will be happy to check your bike from front to back and carry out any necessary repairs. It’s best to arrange a workshop appointment in advance by phone or email. Then you can bring your bike in and we’ll take care of the rest.
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