Range of an e-bike

Please do not forget that the e-bike can also be used like a normal bicycle, so the battery does not slow you down when it is empty. In this case, you simply ride again using only your muscle power.
In theory, the range of a bicycle is unlimited, but how long can the battery support you?
Since many different factors influence the range, for example the weight of the rider, but also the luggage, only rough general figures can be given here. Your cadence, average speed and the selected riding mode also influence the range. In addition to these factors, the tyre profile, the e-bike class and the type of terrain are also important. To give you the most accurate figures possible, we recommend special calculators. With their help, you can calculate approximately how long your battery will provide power.
Bosch, for example, offers a range assistant. For this, you need information such as the average speed and the desired riding mode, but you should also know your body weight, the weight of your e-bike and the weight of your luggage. And of course your approximate cadence also plays a role.
The calculator also needs information about the motor and the battery. It also wants to know about the corresponding gear system.

What influences the range of your pedelec?
Bike type, terrain, wind conditions and starting frequency are also among the decisive factors that influence the range. As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into it.
The age of your battery also plays a role. After all, you can support it in the best possible way if you pay attention to tyre pressure and a well-oiled chain.
In winter, for example, don’t forget the impact of snow, heavier clothing and the cold on the range. The chain oil may be a bit greasier, the ground tough and sometimes impenetrable – even the best battery can’t work miracles there.
Valuable quick tips for a long-lasting e-bike battery
- Shift gears actively and pedal yourself: prefer low gears!
- A cadence of approx. 60 – 70 crank revolutions per minute is optimal. (Continuous pedalling of heavy gears has a damaging effect on the knee joints anyway, but your circulation is happy about relaxed pedalling behaviour)
- For more range, it is advisable to vary the assistance levels. You need less support on flat stretches than on climbs.
- Choose your routes sensibly and conserve battery power
- Battery killers include constant deceleration and braking, stop-and-go situations and steep climbs
- Take care of your bike! Keep the rolling resistance and thus also the “power consumption” low by paying attention to the tyre pressure. If you also oil your chain sufficiently, you will keep the entire drivetrain fit
- Buying a second battery can make sense, but is only advantageous for cyclists who don’t have to worry about the costs – after all, a battery costs between 500 – 800 ?, and it also adds weight. Maybe a travel charger makes more sense? If you also make sure that you always charge your battery, you can rest assured that you won’t need to buy a second battery.
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