Cycle away the viruses: our tips against corona depression

Even in turbulent times, our bikes roll to you and you with them ..
For a few weeks now, many people have found it hard to be in a good mood. Instead of enjoying spring, people in Germany are building fortresses out of toilet paper, while many French people are stocking up on red wine and condoms – at least that’s what the statisticians claim.
What might be fun in good times is currently causing anxiety in many people, but we certainly don’t want to be brought to our knees by it. We defy Corona, and we do it with exercise in the fresh air!
“What can you still rely on these days?”, you might ask. Quite simple: on us, for example! We are and will remain available for our customers, no matter how the crisis develops. We are ready for your concerns as usual.
Our staff are all holding the fort so that mail order and workshop work continue to run smoothly. But apart from our reliability, we have another guarantor for an unclouded cycling mood: spring. The blossoming nature attracts more and more with its charms.
Especially the fresh air in combination with the sun’s rays have an antibacterial and antiviral effect, thanks to the positive effects of ozone. This means that all viruses and bacteria known to us fall victim to this active oxygen. What makes even operating theatres germ-free therefore also works in our lungs.
Furthermore, exercise in the sun acts as a booster for all the hormones that are necessary not only for our physical health, but also for our mental health. Sunshine makes us smile and boosts vitamin D production, fresh air activates mind and body, and exercise strengthens us in the long term. What’s more, wonderful images of nature make every unpleasant scene from the news fade away.
So at the moment there is nothing better than fresh air, observing the rules of hygiene, vitamin-rich food, deep sleep and exercise. Only in this way are we armed against all attacks of the viruses.
Good to know!
We are not helpless in the face of the pandemic, quite the opposite!
What we can do and are legally allowed to do is quite a lot, so let’s make it as difficult as possible for the viruses. By the way, about 25,000 flu deaths were counted in the turn of the year between ’18/’19. The flu wave eventually rolls in annually, so let’s hope Corona doesn’t top last year’s numbers – with the precautions currently being implemented, the chances are good. So let’s keep at it!

I’m sure it’s not news to you when you read about how good cycling is for your lung volume, resistance and immune system. That doesn’t change – no matter how much nasty viruses affect your carefree daily life.
We still get to get out and soak up the sun, so we do. It’s spring, dear cyclists and nature lovers, and that’s exactly what we need right now.
Perhaps we can use this turbulent time to change something fundamental within ourselves or within our everyday lives. How about “down-shifting” – consciously simplifying life, simply down-scaling and reflecting to realise that we need very little for our happiness. Knowing this is one thing, but to feel and understand it, we need time – which we have now. The result could be gratitude as well as awareness of our prosperity, which in future will enable us to gain even more from our ordinary everyday life. Because all of a sudden, what we take for granted has become something special, at least until the flu epidemic is over again …
What does the current deceleration offer?
We fear neither domestic quarantine nor hysterical hoarders; after all, we can get a lot out of our transformed everyday life. After all, deceleration offers undreamed-of opportunities. How about a very special and individual time-out?
Or maybe the time has come to teach our little ones how to ride a bike?
What is certain is that the Corona crisis poses special challenges not only to us as individuals, but also to every entrepreneur as well as to society as a whole, whereby in the best case we learn something and take something with us for our togetherness.
Hopefully, we will gain a new perspective on everything that has been marginal. Let’s put a little more gratitude and prudence on our imaginary luggage carrier, because basically we are still doing extremely well – even in these times – in contrast to many others who have neither clean drinking water nor security or even an intact health system. We (still) live in prosperity, even if we sometimes forget that.
If the challenges of the Corona crisis make us aware of how relevant helpfulness, consideration, selflessness and appreciation for life itself are above all for an intact society, we can all emerge from it enriched. Last but not least, we also owe it to all those who were less fortunate during this time and are among the victims.

Let us protect our dear elders, help them if possible and keep enough distance from our fellow human beings until the crisis is over. Let’s talk to grandma and grandpa on the phone when we can tell them about the wonderful experiences after a bicycle tour. Or let the grandchildren happily tell us what bikes mum and dad have ordered for them and that they can hardly wait to cycle to their grandparents soon and present their new acquisitions to them.
We are concerned, but not incapable of action!
We don’t need overflowing pantries, but rather meaningful distractions and satisfying tasks. Thus we readjust our focus and concentrate again on the positive and uplifting things in life.
But what if … ?
Holiday flight cancelled because of Corona? No problem!
Every country offers enough alternatives. Germany, too, captivates with its gentle valleys and a vast and varied landscape. There’s something for everyone to relax and recharge their batteries in the immediate vicinity.

Cycling tours with your loved ones are still possible. Nature beckons with scents, colours, the warming sun and lush meadows. When our soul is well, our immune system is also bursting with powers of resistance. If even your holiday time is clouded by the Corona crisis, then take advantage of the opportunities to enjoy being outside to the fullest without the risk of infection! Would you like to cycle around a nearby lake with a picnic and a beautiful view? Tranquil or challenging routes are always available.
No matter what flu epidemics are still raging in the future: Just drive away from the illnesses and let the corona reports at best touch you, but never let the viruses tie you to bed!
If you continue to keep fit and exercise has a firm place in your everyday life, you will be able to face any flu wave relaxed, not only today, but also in the future.
Remember: the brightest faces at the moment definitely belong to cyclists. Enjoying sun-drenched stretches of road in the airstream is relaxing and far better than any TV programme or the sprinkling of other technical devices.
Stay healthy – you know how!
Make yourself strong with “biking therapy” – good for your lungs and even better for your mood!
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