bicycle helmets
Have you already chosen a suitable helmet for yourself and your children? There's no need to wear a helmet these days. Bicycle helmets are now so light and breathable that they are less and less noticeable when worn. Helmets for children and adults in all colours and shapes can be found in our helmet department..
bicycle safety
The police recommend that a bicycle should be secured with a lock that corresponds to about 10% of the purchase value. So if you don't have a bike lock yet, please feel free to take a look at this large selection of different locks. From U-locks to folding locks to classic spiral locks, we have everything to choose from - the manufacturers Abus and Cube stand for the best quality and security with their name.
traffic safety
If your bicycle does not have sufficient lighting, we offer you a huge selection. Bicycle lamps, lighting sets (for rear and front), helmet lights and reflectors Especially in the dark season it is very important for your own safety to see and be seen!